Sunday, July 29, 2007

Prestiege Classes

Hey guys,
I think it's really neat how Tim created his pretiege class for Chris' campaign, and as of that, since there is no D&D this week, I think we should create some in the comments of this post.
The reason I think we should is that any campaign I run I will allow these classes that you've created, (So long as they are fair)
Even Tim and Chris might allow them in any campaigns they run as well.
So Dave and Geoff and Jake, you can create your own class for my current one.


Blogger Olives said...

Force Master (Not my creation)
A student of arcane energies, the Master of Force has spent a goodly amount of time researching the nature of magic. The inevitable conclusion, that Force is the True pinnacle of magic. Though often dealing less raw damage than other forms of energy, force penetrates all layers of reality, affects all beings equally. It is the true essence of magic.

Spells: The ability to cast magic missile and three other spells with the force descriptor, including one of at least 5th level.
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 12 ranks, Spellcraft 12 ranks.
Feats: Energy Substitution (any) OR Nonlethal Substitution.
Special: May not be an enchanter or illusionist.

1______ +0_____ +0___ +0__ +2
2______ +0_____ +0___ +0__ +3
3______ +1_____ +1___ +1__ +3
4______ +1_____ +1___ +1__ +4
5______ +2_____ +1___ +1__ +4
Class Features_______ Spell Casting
Force Specialization________ +1
Force Spell Specialty_______ +1
Force Substitution Spell____ +1
Force Spell Specialty _______+1
Force Mastery, Special Feat _+1 Access

Class Features

Lvl 1 - Force Specialization - Having dedicated yourself to the concept that force effects are the pinnacle of the magical arts, you have specialized in this narrow field. You can cast one additional spell per day of each level you can cast, but this spell slot may only be used for force spells. Additionally you gain a +2 bonus on spellcraft checks related to force spells.

However, by focusing on the more solid aspects of magic, you in turn neglect some of the more ephemeral aspects. Either Enchantment or Illusion becomes a banned school for you. If you are a spontaneous caster with a limited spell known list (like a sorcerer) you may replace any spells from your banned school with spells of the same level from different schools at this time. If you are a specialist wizard, and both enchantment and illusion are already banned schools for you, you must choose one more banned school (not divination).

Lvl 2 & 4 - Force Spell Specialty - At second and fourth levels you may choose one of the following special powers.

Unbounded Missiles: Your Magic Missile spell is no longer capped at 5 missiles. It continues to gain more missiles past level 9, for 6 at lvl 11, 7 at lvl 13, and so on.

Ablative Mage Armor: Your Mage Armor spell provides additional physical protection. In addition to the normal AC bonus, it provides DR 1/- and the Light Fortification armor feature (25% resistance to Crit/sneak attack). You may take this feature multiple times. The second improves it to Moderate Fortification, the third to Heavy Fortification. The DR does not increase.

Improved Mage Armor: Your Mage Armor Spell provides additional mystical protection. In addition to the normal AC bonus, it provides you with SR (13). You may take this feature additional times, each one increasing the SR by 4.

Forceful Penetration: Gain the effect of Spell penetration for your force Spells. This STACKS with normal spell penetration and greater spell penetration feats.

Invisible Dart: As the reserve feat from Comp. Mage.

Blade of Force: As the reserve feat from Comp. Mage.

Force Spell Trick: Select one spell you can cast as a force spell. (This includes through the use of the Force Substitution Spell class feature). You may cast this spell with your bonus force spell slot as if it were one level lower.
Thus, if you can cast 7th level spells, and chose Force Spell Trick (Mordenkainen's Sword) you could cast it with your 6th level bonus force spell slot. You may take this feature multiple times, each time applying it to a different force spell.
Also, you may cast the chosen spell with metamagic feats. Thus a Still Mord.'s Sword in your 7th level slot, an empowered Mord.'s sword in your 8th level slot, or a maximized Mord.'s sword in your 9th level slot.

Lvl 3 - Force Substitution Spell - Your understanding of magical force has progressed to a point where you can replace basic forms of energy with pure magical force. Force substitution spell may be applied to any spell that has an energy descriptor (fire, cold, acid, electricity, sonic) and deals damage. The spell now deals force damage rather than the associated energy type, and gains the [Force] descriptor in place of the elemental descriptor. However, all damage dice are reduced one step on the following chart.

d12 -> d10 -> d8 -> d6 -> d4 -> d3 -> d2 -> 1

So, a 10th caster level Force Substitution Fireball would deal 10d4 force damage, rather than 10d6 fire damage.
A Force Substitution Spell takes up a spell slot one level higher than the spells actual level.
This class feature counts as a metamagic feat for the purposes of qualifying for other feats/classes.

Lvl 5 - Force Mastery - You cast all force spells at +2 caster level. Additionally, three times per day, you may apply Force Substitution Spell to a spell you are casting spontaneously, without increasing the spell level or casting time.

Special Feat Access - Anytime you would gain a feat from character level (3rd, 6th 9th, etc) or a wizard bonus feat (or other spell casting class bonus feat at DM's discretion) you may choose to take one of the special features from Force Spell Specialty at a feat.

6:32 PM  
Blogger -Charlie- said...

The Sun Knight
Prestige Class

The Sun Knight is one who knows the power of Light in its purest form, and whose dedication to rooting out evil and darkness has granted him a close bond with that Light, giving him a supernatural affinity for creating light and using it against his foes, especially the undead and evil outsiders.
He has trained himself in divine spell casting, focusing on spells that invoke the light of his deity to help him and hinder or destroy his enemies.
Hit Die: d8


Skills: Knowledge (Religion), 2 ranks
BAB: +6
Spells: Able to cast 2nd level Divine Spells
Special: Turn Undead Class Feature
Alignment: Any Non-Evil

Class Skills:
The Sun Knight’s class skills are Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Spot.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2+Int modifier

Class Features:
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Sun Knight is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all armour, and with shields.

Radiance: When a Sun Knight casts any spell with the Light descriptor, the radius of illumination is doubled and the spell is treated as if it were one level higher than it actually is for all purposes, including determining whether it can counter or dispel a spell with the darkness descriptor.

Turn Undead: The Sun Knight adds his Sun Knight class levels to his cleric or paladin levels for all purposes related to turning undead. Upon taking this prestige class, paladin levels match cleric levels for all purposes related to turning undead.

Bonus Domains: The Sun Knight gains the bonus domain: Sun at 1st level. He also gains the bonus domain: Good at 5th level. He can use the domains’ granted powers, and can choose from those domains’ spell lists when preparing spells, as domain spells. The Sun Knight gains these domains regardless of whether their base class utilizes domains.
If the Sun Knight has the Sun or Good Domains from a previous class, he can now cast that Domain‘s domain spells spontaneously. For example, the Sun Knight can sacrifice a lvl 3 spell to cast the lvl 3 domain spell or Cure Serious Wounds.

Spells Known/Spells Per Day: At every level except 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th, The Sun Knight gains a caster level in the divine spell casting class he belonged to before taking the prestige class. They gain spells per day, and spells known (if applicable), as if they had gained a level in that class, but do not receive any other benefits of gaining a level in that class.


Sunlight: At 2nd level, As a standard action, the Sun Knight gains the ability to manifest pure sunlight, not unlike the spell Nimbus of Light. This is a supernatural ability. When discharged, it causes 1d8/two levels of Sun Knight (1d8 at first level, 2d8 at 4th, 3d8 at 6th, etc) +1/level, and extends its radius by 30 feet at the same increment. At 10th level, the Sun Knight’s Sunlight becomes True Sunlight for the purposes of creatures that are damaged or destroyed by bright light.

Darkvision: At 3rd level, the Sun Knight gains Darkvision out to 60ft.

8:52 PM  

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