Sunday, May 27, 2007


Okay, so here's some things that make Faustus useful in our campaign.
  • He can hide like no-one's business. He can move silently like it's going out of style. He can hide when you're looking at him.
  • +5d6 sneak attack damage.
  • He can summon a Shadow companion that can't be turned or rebuked.
  • Shadowjump. Poof.
  • Great reflex saves
  • BAB +10
  • He rolled pretty well, great Dex, decent Intelligence and Charisma, fairly good Wisdom and Strength, okay Con.
  • Don't even bother trying to get behind him. Won't happen.
  • Hey, what's this? A knife in your side? Where'd that come from?

And the downsides:

  • Not so much HP. Like, really not so much.
  • Not big on Strength-related skills - terrible Climb, Swim, Balance and Jump.
  • Basic Bard spells. Nothing fancy.
  • Forget fortitude saves.
  • I see the trap, yes. What do you want me to do about it? What do I look like, a Rogue? Okay, look, here, I'll poke it with my dagger and make it look like I'm fiddling with it. Oh, what was that?...That sound. Hm. Didn't sound good. I suggest we run now. Fast.

RP-wise: He's an Elf. Prepare yourself for the haughtiness. And the indifference. Oh, the indifference. Beware.


Blogger Olives said...

It looks quite funny so far. All of us don't make fortitude saves and we all don't like being hit. So other people need to be the meat shields for us

12:00 PM  
Blogger Tim Banky said...

Actually, I can make fort. saves. It may be my weakest stat and only a +7, but I can luck reroll it or throw a +15 on to it once per day. I don't fail many rolls.

I am really glad we have a sneaky character. Jet can climb and fool around, but he doesn't move silently.

Can unturnable shadows be unturnable meat shields?

2:26 AM  
Blogger Tim Banky said...

Does the party have a fighter? I mean, we can cast spells and sneak around, but who does the hacking and the slashing?

3:30 AM  
Blogger Olives said...

I'm a fighter of sorts, but not in a pinch. I need a couple rounds to prepare myself.
As far as I know, we have a paladin coming, so thats a fighter, and I believe we might have a ranger... Im not sure about the last one though, I just remember talk of two animal compainions

12:51 PM  
Blogger Tim Banky said...

Poor Faustus... the only one without a little friend.

2:09 AM  
Blogger -Charlie- said...

Don't forget my shadow companion! It can talk intelligibly. I don't know if it can talk to anyone but me, but it can be my little friend. And it matches my alignment, too.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Tim Banky said...

Gross.. that means we are like two parties. We all have companions.

7:17 AM  
Blogger Derp said...

After reading all your chars so far, I'd like to say that they seem really well thought out and it will be an interesting campaign for you guys. That said, you will all fucking die if you get disintegrate cast on you

1:35 AM  
Blogger Olives said...

especially if it's from me. With the exception of Tim, I think There is always the possibility that I could kill the entire party. However that is unlikely.

1:17 AM  

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