Monday, December 18, 2006

Stories part II

Well good adventurers, Here we are again in the tavern enjoying a thick mead!
Aye, I believe you all to be the hardiest bunch of warriors and scholars I have ever seen! I am sure there are stories behind all those scars and tokens.
Here, let us all share our fine tales of great battles be it in the far future of warhammer 40k or now in the times of strife, warhammer fantasy. Be imagnitive as you like as you are the story teller, and it's your tale to spin.



Blogger Richard said...

Shas'o Viorla Shovah Kaius Mont'yr did a final systems check on his crisis suit. All systems were fine except a minor fault in the guidance system. The fault was old, the damage was done days after he was given the rank Shas'ui and for the first time given a battle suit. He marveled for a few moments at his advanced equipment thinking of the past. With sorrow he recalled how but a short few millennia ago his people were in a time of Mont'au. The terror, where his people killed each other and darkness covered Tau. But then light was brought to his people’s darkness. The Ethereals came and showed his people the greater good, brought them clarity in a time of disorder. The Tau'va, The Greater Good, the most glorious insight of the Tau Empire. It brought forth unity, peace and huge advancements in technology something all true Tau including him, loved more then life. Despite this, Shas'o Viorla Shovah Kaius Mont'yr also bitterly recalled how he was cast from Tau society. But that was the past and now though was not the time to think of the past. Now was the time to think of the future and prepare for the coming battle.

Commander Farsight, as Shas'o Viorla Shovah Kaius Mont'yr was known to his people finished preparing his gun systems. He then unsheathed his sword, Dawn Blade. The massive artifact glimmered like the same day he found it so long ago. The sword was masterpiece of warfare and was sure to assist well in the battle. A voice rushed his internal vox "Shas'o, the Gue'la are coming with in range of our broadsides and the pathfinders have marked their targets."
"Very well, All fire warriors are prepared to proceed as planned?" Farsight replied
"Yes, Shas'o"
"And is the XV15 Stealth team in the flanking position"
"Yes, Shas'o"
"Very well, Commence the assault"

A tremendous roar erupted as the XV-88 broadside heavy battlesuits began fire. The rail gun munitions spoke of impact after impact with each distinctive thunder clap of the magnetic projectiles as they drove into their targets. Small arms fire could be hear along with the occasional heavy weapon shortly afterwards

"Shas'o the initial strike was a success. The Gue'la's heavy weapons were destroyed and the firewarriors have engaged. Heavy resistance is being met in the front line Shas'o."
"I and my Shas'vre will assist our warriors. Continue the assault as detailed"
"Yes, Shas'o"

Commander farsight was already moving towards his destination as he was briefing his elite bodyguard on their assault to assist the beleaguered front line.
As soon as he had the Gue'la in sight he opened fire despite being heavily outnumbered. His plasma rifle tore into scores of men. Limbs ignited in searing plasma and bodies disintegrated. His body guards were doing equally as well each selecting a target and eliminating it with complete precision.
As things seemed to be going well for the commander a stream of bullets tore into Shas'ui Vior'la Or'es. His Crisis suit's generator nicked by the bullets ignited and the upper half of the battle suit exploded in green flame. Farsight quickly located the source of the enemy fire. The Gue'la called the machines dreadnaughts, archaic devices that stand on two legs armed with a cannon and a hyrdrolic fist. It lumbered quicker then seemed possible for its stubby legs towards Shas'ui Vior'la Kor'vesa. Farsight was not quick enough to intervene as Kor'vesa turned his crisis suit around just in time to be clenched by the dreadnaughts fist. His whole suit was lifted in the air like a trophy and was crushed like sheet of Tiayun pulp. Armour strained as bracings gave out and the suit crumpled. The dreadnaught tossed the body of the battlesuit away like a rag doll and turned its attention to Farsight. The Dawn Blade hummed as if anticipating the coming of blows.

A vox amplified voice blared from the dreadnaught
"Xenos Scum, prepare to be crushed like your filthy comrades, FOR THE EMPORER!"

With that the steel and adamantium monstrosity charged. Commander Farsight raised his blade and time seemed to slow micro seconds before impact. Right as it seemed the dreadnaught would crush Command Farsight he ignited his jet pack and the dreadnaught ran harmlessly under him. It quickly rotated and brought it's hydraulic claw to bear now crackling with energy. The Gue'la contraption swung from the right and instead of blocking the blow Farsight swung at the back of the charged fist continuing the momentum and knocking the dreadnaught off balance. Farsight then continued his own swing severing the hydrolic cables to the beasts stubby legs. But like a beast in it's death throws the machine thrashed wildly carving a gash in the chest of Farsights battle suit and knocking the wind out of him. But a second before the fist came around again to destroy Farsight He brought his blade to bear and removed both the cannons barrels and the arm attached to the energy fist.
"You have been defeated, surrender now with your life Gue'la"
"Never Xenos scum, Now die!" screamed the metallic voice as it brought the damaged cannon to bear.

The dreadnaught hoping to use the few bullets that would come out of the cannon before it jammed and exploded swung it's weapon at Commander Farsights chest and opened fire.

Reflexes alone honed from years of battle saved Commander Farsight as he instinctively hit his jet pack boosters in reverse and flew backwards.
As quick as he was his suit was still struck by one cannon bullet knock his suit into a deep shell crater and knocking him unconscious. But the bullet also saved his live a huge chunks of metal flew through the space he occupied seconds ago.

Shortly after the explosion a voice emitted statically over his vox rousing him to consciousness

"Shas'o the enemy is retreating, Repeat the enemy is retreating Victory is ours."

Groggily Commander Farsight returned with "Gather the casualties and the wounded we will return to base and attend to the injured and fallen. Then we will celebrate before preparing to assault the Gue'la's main stronghold"

"Yes, Shas'o"
The vox cut out. Commander Farsight let unconsciousness wash over him again. This would likely be the only sleep he received till the next battle.


3:10 PM  
Blogger Kiltman said...

The Magenta high-heel.

When the sun had set,
the pale moon rose
Shrouds of misty white.
Th’enchanted realm
that half-light chose,
stands alone tonight.
Shadows! Shapes! All start to form
a circle in my mind;
Dip and weave, I hear the sounds,
my senses, I can’t find.

Out steps a long, familiar shape;
I know it at a glance.
From my hiding place, in hooded cape
I watch a circling dance.
Crimson lips and gray-blue eyes-
she stands before me now;
Sleek and slim, all clad in mauve...
The Evening Primrose Cow!!!

The music that I now can hear
crescendos all around;
And the mauve-clad cow tosses back a beer,
...then dips... and sways... so proud.
Slowly moving, now she turns
and beckons shapes unseen...
Then I watch in disbelief!
I scarce believe the scene!

A pig! A goat! A horse! A duck,
all dressed in basic black.
They swayed and turned and waltzed and bowed...
(The hen had got the knack!)
The hen was dressed in peacock blue,
a cat in pinkish grey;
A rabbit, with a hat of white
Hop-hops... the other way...

The music swelled... the dancers danced,
their finery displayed.
I bet that no one ever thought
they dressed up in this way,
To dance the dance in pale moonlight
when others were asleep...
To dance and dance the night away...
(This secret I must keep!)

For who would scarce believe this tale
of what I’d seen and heard.
But then.... As dawn’s first light appeared,
They Stopped! Without a word.
Just as if they heard a sound
of footsteps on a twig...
The first-morn shadows swallowed shapes...
The duck... The hen... The pig.

The cow in mauve that started this
in haste has lost her shoe...
Magenta pump... that matched her dress
...T’will surely leave a clue.
But... too late now - Intruders come!
Some humans have been heard!
All disappear... and who would know
that anything occurred.

But I knew all... I slowly stand,
My aching joints do stretch.
From all night... crouching... by the log
Hiding... watching... wretch...
There - before me on the ground,
The bovine’s suede high heel...
I pick it up... and hold it high...
...Perhaps this all was real?

I place the pump upon a rock
and slowly walk away.
The story that the shoe will tell
can wait another day.
.....Shadows, shapes, all start to form
a circle in my mind...
.....Dip and weave, I know the sounds...
(My senses I must find.)

8:20 PM  

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