Saturday, February 10, 2007


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Friday, February 02, 2007

Rifts 2007

I'm currently reading the rifts books.
Hopefully by the time schools over I'll have a campaign prepared
this may be anything from a short one with about 4 players
to a long one with as many as 6 depending on how it plays out
I have a pretty good idea on who'd be in the group but regardless
i'd like to see who else is interested/ is also having a rifts game up
as I would like to play that game a bit before I get into dnd again.

On an aside spencer found a board game called twilight emperium.
the game is effing addictive and hella awesome fun I would suggest looking into it.
it's a sci-fi space strategy game with dice but it incorporates trade, politics and dimplacy into the factor as well as technological advancments, special character and special abbilities for the different races. my personal favourite for sher.

Till next time,

<>< mantrain