Thursday, December 13, 2007


So far included in my Challenge are:
Tim, Jake, Chris, Steph, Geoff, and Dave.

I don't think I'll get any more people cause I"m not sure who all is interested. So in addition to the other stuff I posted last time here are a couple particulars.

There are 8 different types of Battles and heres their name and a breif descriptions:
head-to-head: 1 on 1 pvp
team-on-team: Any combination of players/npcs vs any combination of players/npcs
Stay Alive / Relentless: You have a set number of rounds you need to stay alive for against enemies that just keep coming.
Defense: Do not let the enemy steal your flag/capture your 'base'
Offense: Your playing the opposite role of defense. Try and capture/steal the enemies base/flag
Massacre: Either they all die, or your all die.
Intervention: Casters from the stadium casts spells at whomever the crowd tells them too, and you also have to deal with whoever/whatever is also in the arena with you.
Handicap: You still retain everything you would have normally, but you are given a special handicap that you must obide by.

Those are the 8 types of matchs, and as the tourny goes on, more stipulations will be added to make them more 'interesting'.

Now, incase you want to start building your characters. here's how the first round will be layed down:

Round 1:
Steph And Tim: Co-Op Intervention Match.
Geoff And Dave: Co-op team-on-team match.
Jake: Solo Offense Match.
Chris: Solo Massacre

Players, Match, and Co-op/pvp are all determined randomally.
Lets see how this turns out.


Blogger Tim Banky said...

So... do I get to attack Steph, or not?

Is the intention that She is the one the crowd throws spells at rather than me, or are the two of us against another team?

11:21 PM  
Blogger Olives said...

Your two are working together. so It'll be you two fighting other things. Your and Steph average crowd score, vs the opponents crowd scores will determine who gets hits by the random spells.

12:12 AM  
Blogger The Voodoo Doll said...

I'm still down as a maybe. When are you planning on starting this? I'm mostly still on the fence about it since I already committed to Tim's thing and I definitly have to put school before anything else this semester. Depending on how many days a week you guys have these things going is going to be directly related to how often I can manage.

12:32 AM  
Blogger Olives said...

I'll start each round whenever people who are participating in it are ready. Theres no time limit so start, but each round has to be finished before the next one can start. I might run one match of the round per week so it'll be coming along slowly. and each one should only take like 1-2 hours max. If you want to leasurely build your character. Which isn't too hard since your only going to be level 4. Just let me know which you decide.

2:03 PM  
Blogger The Voodoo Doll said...

What game/character system are we going to use? DnD base I assume?

1:30 AM  
Blogger Olives said...

Yeah, just a DND based system. Stats are the standard 4D6 keep the three highest.

11:49 PM  

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