Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fir'Nalas campaign

Okay, so I've got so far Tim, Jake, and Kyle confirmed for my new campaign, as it turns out I can't find any newbies. If anyone else is interested, I'm willing to accept maximum two more players - I know David expressed some interest.

I'd like to get each of you for a solo session to roleplay, tweak characters, and figure out backstory, as I hope this campaign will have some good roleplaying opportunities. Today is Saturday the 22nd of March. I'm free tonight, tomorrow night, and Monday & Tuesday all day. If any of you want to give me a call and get together any of those times, I'd be more than happy to. I have no objection to any two or three PC's having previous associations, so if you want your characters to know each other, that's fine.

I'd also like to get together for the Zombie campaign, guys, so anyone who's involved in that, see if you can't figure out what everyone's schedules look like.


Blogger Brianna said...

I WANT TO BE IN A ZOMBIE CAMPAIGN! or perhaps this one.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Olives said...

My schedule's pretty open most of the time

The only times I am busy is
Mon-fri from 8:30-4:30
Tuesday evening (For Hanging with Rosie)
Wednesday Evening (For Highlander?)
Friday evening (For Sandstorm)

Thats about it.

3:21 PM  

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