Monday, October 29, 2007

Lawful Good

I would like to take a second and look at lawful good; Specificly, the paladin. Through order and justice you travel the land in search of a chance to solve conflict. Lawful evil people, on the other hand, travel the lands with a similar intent, but rather in their own favor. Lawful nuetral characters would stay in the city and wait for those to come to them, why? Because they are not under the rightious influence of good and evil. Under certain circumstances, a Lawful good character likely would give his life to save another, much unlike what a chaotic nuetral person would do. As seen by younger, more jumpy lawful good characters, chaos is the path to evil, but paladin bewhere, it is not always the case. Infact, most of the PCs I played have been chaotic good...

Plus I've played a paladin and let me tell you, boy. You are religious, so I will not accept less than two daily prayers , and if you wavered in any way, you loose your paladin abilities. You just see how long you can live without lay on hands, not to mention those saves that keep you alive... Atoning isn't cheap, by the way. We are talking sidequest overkill.

So get with it, I'm hip to all ya'll Lawful Good motherfuckas. we'll see you around the table.