Friday, December 28, 2007

Round 1.1 (Jake)

Alright First Match down, three more to go. Heres the Match:

Announcer: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, the main event today will be a 4 person match. The Offence needs to capture two orbs that have been tied to the and of a pole. The pole extends thirty feet upwards and then splits into to equally long pole that go off in an angle. At the end the orbs are tied down. They have 2 1/2 minutes to get those orbs, or else we'll have some fun with the Archers in the stands. once captures they need to hold onto these orbs for 12 seconds before its considered a win.
The Offense consists of Siris, a half fey with hopefully some tricks up his sleave or else he's not going to last long with a body that can bearly consist of bones. And his parter Rakkas the Gnome. (As Rakkas enters with swirling lights all around him, the crowd goes crazy)
And the Defense consists of Meyq, a wizard from the astral plane, and Crugretor a druid and his Ape companion, I do also believe he is a fey. Ready Combatants! BEGIN!

Meyq is the first one to move, She runs up the field to protect the orb on the right, and she flicks what looks to be like a scarf at Rakkas, but it turns into iron and just bearly misses Rakkas. The crowd sits in Awe of this odd magical ability. Rakkas quickly repsonds with a quick jerk of his hands and some how Meyq looks like she just got hit in the head with something, and is stunned a bit.
Crugretor lights his arms on fires and runs up with his Ape who promptly jumps onto the pole and pulls himself up to the top. Siris just flies up closer and shoot jets of color out of his finger tips, The ape manages to dodge it but Crugretor looks like he just got a face full and is blinded for now. The Ape quickly leaps off the poles and grabs hold of Siris and violently pull him to the ground. Rakkas feels so confidant it looks like that he starts singing to the crowd about how awesome he is, and the crowd just loves it, they all seem to be fasinated by they way he's singing. Meyq sees this opportunity to shoot him with her crossbow, she missed but she managed to make it look awesome.
The ape and Siris are just in a scrap that it looks like the Ape is obviously going to win, but Siris manages to fly away taking a vicious claw to the chest and starts bleeding. Rakkas tried to put the ape and Crugretor, who is still trying to get the colors out of his eyes, to sleep, but doesn't manage to go much, he does move up right next to Meyq to engage in melee. Meyq has no choice by to try a hit with her mace, which lands a brutal blow knocking Siris off balance. Siris, seeing that his parnet might be in trouble manages to cast a spell and put Meyq to sleep, where Rakkas prompty stabs her waking her back up. but now she's lying on the ground. The ape not wanting to let his master down, jumps back onto the pole and climbs up top to prevent the orb from being stolen. And Crugretor finally gets the color out of his eyes and looks ready to fight again. Rakkas unerringly stabs Meyq with his rapier and she falls unconscious. After which is climbs up to the top of the pole on the right to retrieve the orb.
Crugretor was having none of that, and unleashes a flame that flies from his hand and engulfs Rakkas in flame nearlly knocking him off the pole.
In the meantime Siris managed to stun the Ape which made it fall from the pole to land sharply on the ground. and quickly starts trying to undue the rope holding the left orb. Rakkas still unable to undue the right one gets hit again with another burst of flame which causes him to fall off and smash head first into the ground and fall unconscious. The crowd just loves this brutality.
Siris sees now that it is him versus the other two and knows he's at a downside, so he makes a be line to the other orb, Crugretor and the Ape quickly follow and Crugretor scores a hit with his flame shot and creates a scimitar made out of fire. Only 24 second remain for Siris to retrieve this last orbs and time is quickly running out. Just before Crugretor is able to strike with the sword Siris gets the orbs free and flies away. Not wanting to lose the Druid has one last hope, a hit with his flame shot will take Siris out and the fall will most likely kill him. Death doesn't matter this him, so he aims his flame, Siris had already been burnt by it once earlier as he got the first orb free, he takes his aim and fires away, the crowd on the edge of their seat, unsure which of the two they want to win more, the shot flies at Siris, and hit where he would've been if Siris hadn't have moved milisecond earlier. That maked the 12 second of holding both orbs, and they fly up into the air and unleash fireworks.
The main event is over folks, you have your winner. Siris and Rakkas, though Rakkas is unconscious at the moment, have succeeded in their offense match. Big round of applause everyone!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


So far included in my Challenge are:
Tim, Jake, Chris, Steph, Geoff, and Dave.

I don't think I'll get any more people cause I"m not sure who all is interested. So in addition to the other stuff I posted last time here are a couple particulars.

There are 8 different types of Battles and heres their name and a breif descriptions:
head-to-head: 1 on 1 pvp
team-on-team: Any combination of players/npcs vs any combination of players/npcs
Stay Alive / Relentless: You have a set number of rounds you need to stay alive for against enemies that just keep coming.
Defense: Do not let the enemy steal your flag/capture your 'base'
Offense: Your playing the opposite role of defense. Try and capture/steal the enemies base/flag
Massacre: Either they all die, or your all die.
Intervention: Casters from the stadium casts spells at whomever the crowd tells them too, and you also have to deal with whoever/whatever is also in the arena with you.
Handicap: You still retain everything you would have normally, but you are given a special handicap that you must obide by.

Those are the 8 types of matchs, and as the tourny goes on, more stipulations will be added to make them more 'interesting'.

Now, incase you want to start building your characters. here's how the first round will be layed down:

Round 1:
Steph And Tim: Co-Op Intervention Match.
Geoff And Dave: Co-op team-on-team match.
Jake: Solo Offense Match.
Chris: Solo Massacre

Players, Match, and Co-op/pvp are all determined randomally.
Lets see how this turns out.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Couple Notices


I've got a couple cool things to let people know of and to see if they are interested in.

First: How many of you would be willing to join a Malaspina Roleplaying Club. It might be founded by Me, Jake and Tim. There will be a minimum 2$ fee for any student and minimum 5$ fee for any non-student per semester. That money will go towards supplies for the campaign. Now here's the benifits of it: I believe the student union pays for any coffee/tea we drink. We have free photocopying. (Very useful for character sheets), as well as a classroom to play in. We will have projectors that we can hook up to laptops for maps and stuff, white boards, black board, and probably magnets for miniatures and then we can put then right on the wall. And the DM can really have a good view of everything. So let me know whoever is interested

Second of all: I will be running a new C.O.C. It will be for at least 6 people but preferably 8 if I can get them. Here is the premise: You guys are gladiators, will be starting at lvl 4. and will know knowledge of what kind of events are possible that you might be participating in. It will be a tournament and the winner gets their freedom since you are all slaves. All base classes are allowed (With my discresion of course) but there is a couple prestige classes that are off limits. Basically anything that involved specific training. I.e. To be an assassin you need to be trained by an assassin's guild for example.
The challenges will be more geared towards combats, but there will be utility challenges too. Such as capture a node(s), or escape from _____. There will also be co-op challenges.
Every challenge you success will net you 4 more levels to play with for your character. A failed challange (Providing it wasn't fatal) will give you 2 levels (so you can keep going but are now at a handicap), and dying in any challange will eliminate you from the tournament.
You will start will no gold/items, but items will be provided for you based on how well the crowd likes you.
To get the crowd to like you, you can boast as a full round action, or during any attack (be it physical/magical) you may opt to take a penalty to hit/dam, and make a charisma check based on that penalty you opt to take to impress the crowd by making whatever you were doing look phenominal. The more the crowd likes you the better items you'll get so it's easier to survive the next round.

Also, I will be posting the summery (from the spectators view) of the fight which you can read and use to prepare (If necessary) for the next challange.

Any questions about either thing let me know. I want to get a rough number before I continue any futher with each. So if you want to see it happen, let us know.
