Monday, May 28, 2007

breif interuption from D&D

Everyone!! This is extremely important.

Look at this picture. What do you see.

I see a battleship. And I portrait of a Protoss figure a the bottle. Does this look like STARCRAFT 2.


It's been confirmed about the much anticipated release of STARCRAFT 2

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Okay, so here's some things that make Faustus useful in our campaign.
  • He can hide like no-one's business. He can move silently like it's going out of style. He can hide when you're looking at him.
  • +5d6 sneak attack damage.
  • He can summon a Shadow companion that can't be turned or rebuked.
  • Shadowjump. Poof.
  • Great reflex saves
  • BAB +10
  • He rolled pretty well, great Dex, decent Intelligence and Charisma, fairly good Wisdom and Strength, okay Con.
  • Don't even bother trying to get behind him. Won't happen.
  • Hey, what's this? A knife in your side? Where'd that come from?

And the downsides:

  • Not so much HP. Like, really not so much.
  • Not big on Strength-related skills - terrible Climb, Swim, Balance and Jump.
  • Basic Bard spells. Nothing fancy.
  • Forget fortitude saves.
  • I see the trap, yes. What do you want me to do about it? What do I look like, a Rogue? Okay, look, here, I'll poke it with my dagger and make it look like I'm fiddling with it. Oh, what was that?...That sound. Hm. Didn't sound good. I suggest we run now. Fast.

RP-wise: He's an Elf. Prepare yourself for the haughtiness. And the indifference. Oh, the indifference. Beware.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Draos Dranl

Following from Tim's Example Here is a few things that would make my character useful.

  • It's very hard to hit. With an AC of 29 normally. 22 Touch and 27 Flat Footed he can definetly make life hard to people that can't strike.
  • His knowledge of spells is unparralelled. (SP?) Being able to cast 84 spells a day. Some benifial spells from Clerics and lots of damage output and utility spells from being a Sorc.
  • He can cast Sudden metamagic feats on a whim. Imagine a mazimized Disintegrate. Ouch. Now imagine that coming from a guy who is shielded inside a resistance sphere.
  • Out of the 6 feats that are available to him, 5 of them are spell altering feats.
  • His will save is great. Very rarely will you see him dominated.
  • I have a shocker Lizard. 'nuff said
  • All his items are geared for utility. He's got something for every situation.
  • Very high Wisdom and Charisma. (Not Charisma like Tim's, but high none the less)

Now for his drawback

  • His skills arn't very deversive. Sure he can sense motives, concentrate and know spells, but he is not that observant or acrobatic or.....
  • Health wise he's only got 91 hp. and thats awesome for a mage. (3d6, 4d4, 8d4)
  • He's not very smart or very strong
  • His BAB sucks dick.
  • Odds are he is not going to get out of the way of a fireball, and there is also a good chance of him falling to a poison
  • He is dependant on his spells and equipment. He for some reason he is denied one of the two, he is in trouble.
  • He can turn undead.... around in circles until their are slightly dizzy, after which they continue moving forward like nothing happened.

However, he has spells to increase his strength (By a total of 12 (thats huge)), increase his BAB to a fighters BAB, and his HP. If he can't win by spells or the enemy gets too close for comfort, it's combat time for him.

Jetadia Tobias

I thought it might be useful to describe, well, how my character might be useful.
  • He can walk up walls. This might be a useful feature in a number of situations. Helps with the climb checks, lets him get out of combat, etc. Also good to keep in mind when thinking outside the box (or at least on the edge of the box)
  • He has a versetile and diverse selection of offensive combat spells and no other spells. You need fireball, lightning bolt, cone of cold, orb of acid, etc. then he is your man.
  • He has something like Cha 29 and a focus in PC-NPC interaction skills. Jet is totally a talker and is used to talking his way out of things. This can come in handy.
  • Wands are his weapon of choice. As such, his supply of spells is HUGE and his ability in ranged combat is unquestionable.
  • His magic items are mostly geared toward survival, so he is tough to take down
  • His focus isn't on being good at anything, but rather being so lucky it doesn't matter. If he only seduces one lady this campaign, it will be Lady Luck.


  • Jet cannot be relied upon for convinience casting. Also, he is no healer. Go whine to the cleric.
  • He doesn't have a ton of HP. (7d4, 3d6 and 5d6) He's kind of relying on not getting into combat.
  • He has 4 Wisdom. I almost cried when I rolled that. Fortunately, his will save gets to be based on Cha. Needless to say, this stat has certain RP consequences.
  • AC, also not great. He can wear some armor, but he doesn't really like too. It reminds him of being in the military too much.
  • BAB... well, you get the point. He is a damage caster. A blaster-caster, if you will. He is also a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, but not much more.

Also, RP-wise, if you call him a mage, he may kill you. Mind you, it wouldn't cross your mind to call him a mage, because, if anything, he looks like a dandy (or perhaps a classy rogue).

Excuse the spelling, the spellcheck is in Italian.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Chris' Campaign

To all members of Chris' campaign: We can use the comments of this post to organize all things within our characters. Such as Chris' knowledge thing. Plus it allows us to have little discussions about our characters.
So share your backstories, and Chris can write in anything that he would like us to do with our characters